Super Complex Origami

Super Complex Origami
Issei Yoshino
Origami House Tokyo

c $45.00

Level : Complex

Language : Japanese with some English titles

Model list:
Motorcycle 1, Motorcycle 2, Samurai helmet, Salmon, Tiger, Wild boar, Horse, Pteranodon, Apatosaurus, Spinosaurus, Baby Tyrannosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, Triceratops skeleton (multi part)

This collection of Issei’s work is a work to behold. All the models are challenging to fold and satisfying when completed. They all have a distinct style that makes them look lifelike. All are from uncut squares, although the motorbikes are two pieces and the skeleton is multipiece. This multipiece skeleton shows that complex origami is not just limited to the single square; the complete model is probably much more difficult to achieve. However, when completed, you will have a real work of art. The diagram style of Origami house, although all in Japanese, is straightforward to understand and all of the steps are well explained by pictures along. This book is highly recommended for anyone wishing to advance their origami to a more complex level.