The Origami Mailing List

This is an e mail based service dedicated to contacting origami enthusiasts around the world. When you join, you will receive about 20-30 e mails per day concerning various topics, and have the chance to reply, make your own opinions and ask questions. Various origami notables such as Joseph Wu and Robert Lang frequently make comments on the list.
If you do join, please use full nettiquette; that is, be polite, don't make comments that will anger others ('flames') and don't say anything that you wouldn't say to a persons face.

You may get information, programs, diagrams, old messages and other stuff from the archives via FTP, WWW and Email. The FAQ tells you how to do this.

Send a message to:

with in the body a line saying only: faq

Or have a look at URL:

How to UNSUBSCRIBE from the mailing list ...

Send a message to:

with in the body a line saying only: signoff ORIGAMI

How to SUBSCRIBE to this list ...

Send a message to:

with in the body a line saying only: subscribe ORIGAMI

You may have PROBLEMS with your (un)subscription:

- The unsubscribe is not effectuated within a reasonable time (some days).
- You get all messages twice (via two email addresses).

In both cases, send a mail to the list owners:

mentioning which email address to remove from the list.

The list owners are human beings with a limited amount of time, so be patient while awaiting your deletion from the list.

When you don't get messages from the list (even not your own messages) you are probably set to NOMAIL. You can do it yourself (when going on holiday), but in the past months it happend to several members at random.

To set the status again to normal:

Send a message to:

with in the body a line saying only: set ORIGAMI MAIL